This blog will contain my very own insights on guiding the singles, who are ready to commit. People have different preferences and some may prefer to not be in a relationship but if you're single and wants to be in a relationship then please continue reading. Most of us have had our crazy times back then when we were single, young, ambitious and career driven. Nevertheless, we all reach a certain age where we finally would want to be in a long term relationship--> for some it's at a younger age, whereas for some it is at an older age.
Nope, I am not claiming to be a saint I was a party animal! T'was crazy! --> this was then before I met my boyfriend.
My boyfriend and his mates, drunken and disorderly with random girls--> this was long time ago when they were all single! |
Crazy Lingerie shoot taken before I met my dear boyfriend, the images are featured at Hidden Treasures Magazine. |
Young or old-- everyone is different in their own ways but certainly we are also similar in some ways. One of these similarities, is that we human beings-- in fact all species 'mate'.
To say the least, in one life time an average person most definitely 'mate' with as many people as they can UNTIL they find that right person of whom he or she can committ.
This is for those who are 'active' NEXT PLEASE! |
Yes, this is what most single people do is to be in that repetitive cycle of-- attraction, dating, then 'mating'. Finally, boredom or problem arises and you realize he or she is not the one-- so the cycle repeats itself again but this time with a different person.
Finally, after ten years when you're all wrinkly and saggy lool, jokes..
LOL! Okay not a shar pei.. perhaps wrinkly in a more realistic way?
YES this is George Clooney and he's still single at this age! |
Okay so not everyone wants to be in relationship and prefers to have their own independence. Who wouldn't blame George Clooney for being single besides women can often drive men mad---and vice versa. The reality is I believe that at one point in our lives, we fall in love and we meet that person whom we want to spend most of our time with.
NOO! Not a blow up doll! |
Ahh this next photo is a lot better..
Reflecting on things that you want out of life is often effective since it encourages your actions to reach these goals. Most single people would probably prefer; to be independent, to soul search, to go traveling, to party, socialize and many other experience that comes with being single. However, time goes by fast so to those who are a lot older--->I hope you give yourself a chance to experience the beauty of being with someone who truly cares and allow yourself to care the same way.
One of the beauty, beauty of being in a loving relationship is wanting to start your own family, nothing beats being a father or being a mother!
I am here to convince my readers who are single and a lot older. It is important to live your life such as doing whatever you want now while you still have no responsibilities and no commitments. Although, has it ever occurred to you how much you have already lived your life BUT still feel empty??
Ooops, I apologize I hope I am not making anyone feel bad..
Like I said at the beginning everyone is different in their own ways but one of the things that binds us, is 'mating' and having our own family-- maybe not now but one day.. Some of you may have all the wealth in the world and the money; could get botox to reduce aging and could afford to attract younger casual partners with money. Perhaps buy a wife or husband in third world countries??
We all have different preferences of finding and keeping the right person to be with. Personally, I think being with someone because you love them is always better than being with someone because they have money. Please bear in mind that money runs out but love STAYS. If you're one of the lucky ones who get to find the right person who will truly love you then I assure you that even when you started growing wrinkles or even if you struggle a little bit with money-->that person will always be there for you no matter what.
Growing old with someone is better than growing old alone.. |
Yes if you are also lucky enough to find the right lover then you are bound to do well in life because your lover will bring out the best in you and push you to do better.
Unfortunately, in our life time not everyone is lucky to find that person-- some of you have probably already met that person but you messed it up. So try be nice to anyone of whom you are going out with, you never know the person your looking for is just right in front of you.
Soo cute! My boyfriend, when we first started dating xx |
I could write all day but for now here is my very own list of tips to singles who are ready to committ
- You have to know what you want which could be anything that has got to do with relationships and the kind of lover you want. This means taking your time to really find out what you want such as wanting to be in a stable relationship, wanting to be in a casual relationship, wanting to be successul with your career, wanting to be with someone who is mature and responsible and so on. Try to prioritize your wants but don't rush because this will only confuse you even more resulting to failed relationships and heartbreak.
- Change your lifestyle to fit your wants. Perhaps, a makeover? Although, some of you may think "I aint changing my fast paced lifestyle for nobody" and that my "lover should accept me for who I am". That is absolutely true, your lover should love you for who you are and accept your flaws. However, who will love you and accept your flaws when you're still single? You also cant just pursue anyone who is worth pursuing, UNLESS you are worth keeping yourself. Let's face it no one would want to take a person seriously if they party too much, drink too much, swear too much, has agressive personality and so on. Perhaps the reason why you're single and have not met the right lover is because of your lifestyle anyway--so why not make a few changes? The change is up to you, it could be living a more healthy life style (please check my other blog on food that makes you beautiful). This kind of lifestyle conditions your body, looks and mind to be at its best and increases your chances of impressing that certain someone.

- Socialise in decent places. Do not even think of going to the strip club lool. Obviously, it is not the right place to meet potential long term lovers. I would suggest for you to go to nice, trendy and classy places. Perhaps, start attending gatherings organized by your friends and family. In my opinion, it is better to meet that certain someone through a friend or family rather than meeting a complete stranger. I have experienced before dating a guy I've just met in some bar, none of my friends' knew him but he seemed nice. To say the least, turns out he was a nutcase!
- Join dating sites, go speed dating and go on blind dates to increase your chances of meeting that certain someone. It may sound a bit geeky but it makes it easier for you since the people that go on these sites and events are looking for a relationship themselves. Ones again take your time in getting to know other people but bear in mind to not display any kind of 'sluttiness' lool.
This is a slutty look lol!---> NO I aint a slut, just posing for the camera at a car modified shoot |
Always show manners and respect each other's space because this will only show that you are not just after sex but you are actually interested in getting to know that person, this way that certain person will know your sincerity--besides sex is soo much better if you've waited for it....for the meantime there is the so called 'blow up doll' lool!..just kidding!
For heaven's sake if you're thinking of doing a blow up doll at least don't get caught lool..NOT! Really, he's a sikk guy! |
- Only consider dating the single and the unattached. This is crucial since trust me you do not want to be a home wrecker and get involved in other people's relationships. This will only complicate things and bring drama for you so only opt for dating the single and unattached.
- Follow you gut instincts. After dating around, you are bound to find someone special; who seem to always put a smile in your face, whom you can have a mature conversation without getting bored.You'll soon realize how often you think of that person or how often you want to see them. Finally, you notice how much you want to cuddle, talk about your passion, what you want to do with your life and all the other corny stuff that comes with it. Then you realize you want to be with this certain person so go ahead and follow your gut instinct.
- Make sure that he or she feels the same way. We all know heartbreaks are very difficult to deal with, so before committing yourself find out if he or she feels the same way.
- Learn how to keep your man or your woman. Take time in really getting to know not only your lover but yourself because this will enable you to find out your similarities and differences. Most importantly, don't cheat! Yes even if a super model asks you out, reject it! Anyway, ones you feel you're really ready to commit and is in love, all the other attractive single people will mean nothing.
However, it's true that love and attraction binds a couple together but often it takes more than that to form a long and healthy relationship. There are many ways on how to keep and maintain a strong and healthy relationship but unfortunately I have to stop here--but feel free to facebook like this page if you want me to dedicate an entire blog about this subject!
Finally, the rest is up to you! Good luck and remember that life is best spent with someone you love!
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For Single girls!!!